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Navigate Campus Dining with helpful tech tools

Posted by on Friday, August 18, 2023 in Meal Plan, Uncategorized.

With the start of the new academic year, Vanderbilt Campus Dining has many technology platforms available to help them navigate dining on campus. Here is a quick run-down of some of the most helpful tools:

What’s cooking and what’s open

NetNutrition is Vanderbilt’s mobile-optimized menu website, providing on-the-spot nutrition details for all menu items served throughout the Campus Dining network. Discover ingredients and allergen information and calculate nutrition information, in addition to learning which dining halls are open.  Available online at

Find the best time and place to eat

It’s frustrating when you head out to eat only to get there and find it’s way too crowded.

Now, if you want to see how busy Rand, Rothschild or other dining halls are before you visit, there’s a new place to find live crowd data!  Introducing Waitz – Vanderbilt’s privacy-friendly capacity monitoring system that lets you know where the crowds are in any dining hall.  Visit or download the Waitz app for free on iPhone or Android.

Stay in the loop with text alerts

Be sure to stay on top of important Campus Dining news and information with DiningNews text alerts.  Get details about upcoming events, service updates, or even learn about giveaways and special events – just text the word DiningNews to 55744 to opt-in.

Tell us what you think

Campus Dining is hungry for your feedback, and our Text & Tell program is the perfect way to send feedback directly to our team and get a response almost instantly. Just text us your comments, concerns, questions, and general requests to our text number with the location code and our managers and culinary team review and respond directly to your text. Here’s how to do it:

Create a new text message to 55744.

In the body of the message, first type your dining hall’s specific code:

  • VUcommons
  • VUrand
  • VUkissam
  • VUebi
  • VUrothschild
  • VUzeppos
  • VUjava
  • VUbranscomb
  • VUcarmichael
  • VUpub


Next, add your suggestion or comment. Examples include, “VUrand Bring back raspberry vinaigrette to the salad bar” or “VUzeppos I loved the dinner tonight!”

Our team will instantly receive your text and then text you back with a reply.

Your meal plan app

Your Commodore Card is available as an all-in-one mobile ID with the GET app. GET is an online and mobile platform that brings convenience to transparency to Vanderbilt students.  With GET, you can manage funds, make purchases, order food, and even open doors with the mobile ID!  You can use GET just like you use a physical ID card.

In addition, GET tracks all of your meal plan activity, so you always know your meal plan and meal money balance.  Available online at or download the app using the links below:

GET Mobile for Apple iOS

GET Mobile for Android