Menus of Change Research Collaborative at VU
At Vanderbilt Campus Dining, we take responsibility for doing our part to
- Reward Better Agricultural Practices – the environmental cost of food is largely determined
- by how it is produced
- Leverage Globally Inspired, Largely Plant-Based Cooking
- Focus on Whole, Minimally Processed Foods – focus on foods which are less likely to contain high levels of added sugars, trans fats, and sodium
- Grow Everyday Options, While Honoring Special Occasion Traditions – expand choices to enhance nutrition, embrace sustainability, and exceed consumer values
- Lead With Menu Messaging Around Flavor – focus on taste to create consumer excitement around sustainability
What’s Happening on Campus Now:
Serve more kinds of seafood, more often.
- The Kitchen at Kissam serves poké bowls for lunch which include protein-packed, health-promoting omega- 3s fish such as salmon and tuna.
Substantially reducing sugary beverages with innovative replacements
- Addition of hydration stations across campus
- Reduction of soda options in fountain machines
- Adding sparkling water dispensers and more tea options
Serve less red meat, less often.
- Reduced number of times beef is offered while increasing seafood and vegetarian options
- All of our burgers across campus are 75% beef and 25% mushrooms.
- We also have the Impossible Burger offered at our burger stations. (plant-based option)
Use poultry and eggs in moderation.
- We serve only cage-free eggs across campus.
Reduce portions.
- While emphasizing calorie quality over quantity.
MCURC at Vanderbilt in 2025
[link to video]